Dancer & Aerialist
For over 10 years I am traveling as a show dancer and artist. I am lucky that I could turn my passion into my job. At or you will find all important information for bookings and projects.
For over 10 years I am traveling as a show dancer and artist. I am lucky that I could turn my passion into my job. At or you will find all important information for bookings and projects.
As a trained primary school teacher and with my studies in dance, I can inspire the students in my lessons. To animate you to dance is my vocation.
Accompanying dancers and dance teachers on their career fills me with pride. Seeing them grow and achieving goals with them is what makes me happy
Lehrdiplom, J+S Tanzexpertin, DAS Tanzkultur, dipl. Tanzlehrerin, ausgebildete Luftartistin, Spez. Theaterpädagogik, Spez. Psychomotorik, Dozentin für Tanz, Choreografin, Tänzerin und Performance Künstlerin…
I am open to projects of any kind in the field of dance and movement. Please contact me.
Folgendes steht als Nächstes an…
Tamara Gassner, 079 305 01 00,
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